To Japanese
The main research focus in our department is to develop novel dental materials and biomaterials, regenerative therapies, and tissue engineering technologies which will be of benefit to achievement of innovative treatment methods of oral and craniofacial diseases. We are also conducting application of computer technology to biomechanical analysis of implants, teeth, and restoratives. Detailed research topics are as follows.
<Research topics>
1.Development of next-generation advanced dental materials
1)Development of bioactive materials with antibacterial effects/tissue regeneration-promoting ability
2)Development of "smart" bioactive materials to exhibit functions according to oral environment change or disease state
2.Development of novel tissue engineering and regeneration technologies
1)Development of bone/pulp regeneration technologies using three-dimensional cell constructs
2)Development of various novel materials for tissue regeneration therapy
3.Biomechanics research on dental materials
1)Application of AI to material design and restorative/prosthodontic/implant treatments
2)Property evaluation of various dental materials using in vitro/in silico combination analysis
For many projects above mentioned, world-wide collaboration with university, research institutes, and dental materials manufacturers are in progress.

The world’s first antibacterial adhesive system containing an antibacterial monomer MDPB

Non-biodegradable polymer particles for drug delivery

Three-dimensional cell construct composed only of human dental pulp stem cells

CBCT image of implant site (left) and attention map generated by AI